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Repairing Credit Essentials

If you are in debt and own a home you probably have insurance coverage. If so you might be able to take an advance payment against your insurance. Life Insurance Coverage may offer a payback solution after you have paid in on the plan for a length of time. It might be wise to check out your policy to see if there is some type of disbursement plan available. If you are able to get a lump sum be sure to payoff your debts rather than spending your money freely. You may even want to check into your Home Mortgage agreement and the insurance coverage available. If you are suffering debt problems related to injuries or even suffer a Terminal Illness some policies will make payments on your mortgage until you are back on your feet again. If you are off work due to unemployed as no result of your own then you may be qualified on your insurance policy a coverage that makes your payments until you are back at work. If you don’t have insurance coverage you might or you have insurance coverage that doesn’t offer this options you may want to check with your lender to find out if there is a refinance loan available to you that offers lower monthly installments and lower interest rates. If you get into another loan you want to make sure that you are not paying more than you already are. If you decide to take out a refinance loan make sure that you are aware of the upfront fees that often are included in mortgage loans. What about car payments? Are you paying a fortune on your car each month? If so there maybe an option that can get you some relief. You may be able to refinance your car, or else sell your car, making more money than what you owe on your loan. The extra cash can be spent toward a good used car. Sometimes used cars tend to last longer than newer cars and are less expensive to maintenance. Also, you could look into a repossession of the vehicle if your situation is out of hand. This will go against your credit report, but when there is no other solution sometimes we have to toss in the towel. Finally, you can increase your income by selling valuable assets or else finding a job that pays more for your worth. Sometimes we work and are paid less than what we deserve, so if there is a solution available by all means jump on it. Repairing credit has many essentials, but for the most part credit repair is just an illusion where many people do not take the step to repair. *